
Codero Service Level Agreement (SLA)
All agreements referenced above incorporate by reference the following agreements:
Codero Terms of Service (TOS)
Codero Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Codero Legal Infringement Policy (LIP)
Codero Privacy Policy
Codero randomly monitors telephone calls, chat and forum postings in order to enhance our service for you.
Submit an Abuse Report
If you suspect that Codero resources have been used to engage in any of the following types of abusive, infringing, or illegal behavior, please let us know by submitting an Abuse Report via
- Spam: Unwanted emails from a Codero-owned IP address or Codero resources are being used to spam websites or forums.
- Port scanning: Codero-owned IP addresses are sending packets to multiple ports on your server to discover unsecured ports.
- Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: Codero-owned IP addresses are being used to flood ports on your resources with packets in an attempt to overwhelm or crash your systems.
- Intrusion attempts: Codero-owned IP addresses are being used to gain brute-force access to your resources.
- Objectionable or copyrighted content: You have evidence that Codero resources are used to host or distribute illegal content or distribute copyrighted content without the consent of the copyright holder.
- Distributing malware: You have evidence that Codero resources are used to distribute software that was knowingly created to compromise or cause harm to computers or machines on which it is installed.
Legal Process
Codero will respond, with reasonable promptness, to subpoenas and other legal process served upon the corporation. Third parties may serve process on Codero at the following location:
Patmos Hosting, Inc
Attn: Legal
117. S Lexington St STE 100
Harrisonville, MO 64701
Fax: (913) 890-8251
Codero will evaluate each such request based upon the applicable law and facts. Codero may charge an administrative fee to cover fees and expenses incurred as a result of responding to such requests. Codero may require the requesting party to pay an applicable hourly fee for requests that require significant engineering or technical support. Codero may also charge additional amounts for requests that require substantial photocopying, third party charges, or other expenses incurred as a result of the request.
Codero reserves its rights under applicable law in connection with its receipt, evaluation, and any response to any third party requests or legal process.