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Private Cloud

Get better performance, privacy, and control with Codero Private Cloud.

A Private Cloud Server is a fantastic solution for your organization to optimize data management and computing power. Quickly spin up and run any application or service smoothly. Experience greater flexibility while minimizing the need for on-site hardware and maintenance. Customize your private cloud to meet specific requirements and to scale up (or down) as your computing needs change.

Common use cases include websites, databases, application backends, virtual desktop infrastructure, big data and machine learning applications.

Codero's Private Cloud - Developer
starting at
$299per month
  • Developer Private Cloud
  • Ideal for development, lab, and training
    2 servers
    32G RAM
    2 x 1T RAIDz1
    100M Firewall
    8 IP Addresses
Codero's Private Cloud - Production
Call for pricing
  • Production Private Cloud
  • Great for business operations with the ability to grow
    3 servers
    96G RAM
    3 x 1T RAIDz1
    200M Firewall
    12 IP Addresses
Codero's Private Cloud - Business
Call for pricing
  • Business Private Cloud
  • Performance, high availability, and failover driven
    5+ servers
    160G+ RAM
    Custom storage
    1G Firewall
    16 IP Addresses

Choose Codero Private Cloud if:


You have diverse infrastructure needs but prefer to run on single tenant hardware.


You have security concerns and want to establish a dedicated environment with strict access controls.


You need to comply with a regulatory framework, so you prefer to have the physical infrastructure private to your company.


You need to have resources on hand and be able to scale and deploy quickly.




More predictable than a public cloud solution. Lower cost than an on-premises environment.



Built to conform to the performance, scaling, and architecture requirements of each customer.



A more secure cloud that can help you meet compliance requirements, such as HIPPA and PCI DDS.



A solution that sits behind your firewall and limits access to your internal departments, employees, customers, etc. in your organization.

Hypervisor / Virtualization Platform Options

Chat with us today about what Private Cloud can do for you!