Codero Private Cloud
powered by Proxmox VE

Codero has partnered up with Proxmox Server Solutions, a proven and reliable technology provider that has been around for over a decade.

The Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It provides computing, networking, and software defined storage in a single solution. With the integrated web-based user interface you can manage VMs and containers, high availability for clusters, or the integrated disaster recovery tools with ease.


Proxmox Virtual Environment Overview


Proxmox VE is an open-source platform built upon the Debian Linux distribution.


Proxmox VE supports fully virtualized guest operating systems like Linux and Windows.


Proxmox VE delivers full system virtualization using KVM and containers using LXC.


Proxmox VE includes a management interface that can function using a normal browser.


Proxmox VE leverages cluster management from a single interface for multiple hosts.


Proxmox VE can perform a direct migration between one host to another in a cluster.


Proxmox VE can be extended via preconfigured appliances for backup and mail services.

Proxmox VE is great for:


Lab Hypervisor


Dev Environment


Transition from Bare Metal

Proxmox VE offers:


Feature-rich virtualization


Open-standards compliance


Redundancy and failover capability

Chat with us today about what Private Cloud powered by Proxmox can do for you!